
Forestry seeking judicial review to halt ETS fees

9 October 2023

Forestry seeking judicial review to halt ETS fees.

The Ministry for Primary Industries’ new fees regime, which will increase costs for foresters participating in New Zealand's Emissions Trading Scheme by several thousand percent, will undermine climate action, put Iwi, landowners and farm foresters under significant financial pressure and threaten the country’s climate action, according to sector leaders.

Disappointment over Lack of Historical Context and Crown's Role within Ministerial Inquiry into Land Use Report

15 May 2023

Disappointment over Lack of Historical Context and Crown's Role within Ministerial Inquiry into Land Use Report

The New Zealand Institute of Forestry (NZIF) expresses deep disappointment in the Ministerial Inquiry into Land Use causing woody debris (including forestry slash) and sediment-related damage in Tairāwhiti and Wairoa; especially in regards to the absence of historical context, the Crown's accountability and the geology of the area.

Future forests need to be multifunctional to meet climate change in Tairāwhiti

16 March 2023

Future forests need to be multifunctional to meet climate change in Tairāwhiti

The Farm Forestry Association says the just convened Ministerial Inquiry, into land-use across Tairāwhiti, needs to look closely at the tree options for shoring up vulnerable farm and former forest land in the region, or it will leave a legacy of mistakes long into the future.

Pine conspiracy needs reality check

11 November 2022

Pine conspiracy needs reality check

Farm Foresters are saying journalists and commentators need to educate themselves about the reality of plantation forestry.

New Zealand Future Foresters part of the launch of Global Network for Forestry Young Professionals

New Zealand Future Foresters part of the launch of Global Network for Forestry Young Professionals

Overseas Investment Act - Forestry Review hui follow up

8 March 2022

Overseas investment in Forestry - hui on changes to the Overseas Investment Act 2005

The folly of the native forest carbon solution

22 February 2022

The Farm Forestry Association says anthropologist Dame Anne Salmond’s recently publicised views, that planting native forests offer the best solution to the climate crisis, is misinformed and misleading.  

Forestry Minister has strategic leadership opportunity in farm forestry

4 February 2022

Forestry Minister has strategic leadership opportunity in farm forestry