
Where safety is central to forest work

29 July 2015

For Les Bak, forest safety is about respect, sharing knowledge, keeping it simple and getting workmates to look out for each other.  It's a formula that's working. In the 10 years since he joined Nelson Forests, productivity per man has jumped 30 per cent and the lost time injury rate has fallen 80 percent.

New Forest Safety Council meets

29 July 2015

The newly created Forest Industry Safety Council (FISC) held its first meeting on Tuesday. The council was a key recommendation of the Independent Safety Review Panel that released its findings last year after investigating the industry's appalling accident record.

Scion boss: "Forestry is strategically significant"

25 July 2015

Scion chief executive Warren Parker says he has always thought of the forest industry as strategically significant to New Zealand, but there is an ongoing challenge communicating its benefits to the economy compared to other agricultural sectors.

National forest safety director appointed

24 July 2015

Pictured: Fiona Ewing

A National Safety Director, Fiona Ewing, has been appointed to advance the work of the Forest Industry Safety Council (FISC).

Primary Industries associate minister Jo Goodhew visits Whanganui forests

8 July 2015

Damage from late-June's flooding is still being felt by forest owners north of Whanganui.

PFSI being reviewed

4 July 2015

The Permanent Forest Sink Initiative is being reviewed and the Government is seeking feedback from industry on the proposed changes.

Slash on beaches may cost forest owners

30 June 2015

Forestry companies could face extra costs after a Gisborne District Council inquiry into forestry slash. Chief executive Judy Campbell said the inquiry revealed that forestry companies were not charged for resource consent applications.

Sydney investment co buys Tuwharetoa cutting rights

30 June 2015 

Sydney-based investment manager New Forests has announced the purchase today of a 4,000 hectare forestry right in the Hautu-Rangipo region near Turangi in the central North Island of New Zealand. The right was acquired as part of a back-to-back deal with Hautu-Rangipo Whenau Limited (HRWL), a newly formed Tūwharetoa Limited Partnership. HRWL was established to purchase the forests and underlying land from the Crown.

Government supports New Zealand forestry exporters to combat illegal logging

4 June 2015

The Government has today launched a new tool for exporters of New Zealand-grown forestry products to help combat illegal logging of tropical forests, Associate Primary Industries Minister Jo Goodhew says.