
Ewing takes forest safety helm

1 December 2015

Getting people at all levels of the forest industry to think differently about how to create safe outcomes when working in a dynamic environment is a key objective of the new Forest Industry Safety Council (FISC).

Government begins review of ETS

24 November 2015

The government has begun its review of the Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS) to assess its operation and effectiveness to 2020 and beyond, Climate Change Issues Minister Tim Groser announced today.

Goodhew: ETS review an opportunity for forestry

24 November 2015

The announcement of the start of a review of the NZ ETS brings an opportunity to consider how New Zealand can further incentivise the planting of more forests, says Associate Primary Industries Minister Jo Goodhew.

Forestry joins GIA biosecurity agreement

5 November 2015

The forestry industry has become the sixth industry group to join the Government Industry Agreement (GIA) biosecurity partnership, Primary Industries Ministers Nathan Guy and Jo Goodhew have announced today.

Steve Wilton re-elected to Forest Levy board

28 October 2015

Steve Wilton has been re-elected to the Forest Growers Levy Trust board as a representative of growers of small plantation forests.

Marlborough forests patrolled by compliance drones

18 October 2015

Marlborough District Council environmental protection officers have started using drone technology to monitor compliance on forestry blocks. They are trialling the use of a harbour drone to capture aerial video and still footage of forestry blocks on angles not possible by foot.

TPPA may open doors for processed wood products

8 October 2015

The forest and wood processing industries have welcomed the removal of tariffs on wood products across the 12 countries of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Forest grower poll open

5 October 2015

Voting is now open for the person who will represent owners of smaller forests on the Forest Growers Levy Trust Board.